
In this candid interview, Jeffrey Seders, an insurance broker based in California, relates why he has partnered with Professional Prospecting Systems for 6 years to help grow his insurance business!

Q: How long have you been working with Professional Prospecting Systems?

More and more B2B companies are outsourcing the job of setting appointments. Instead of having their sales reps make cold calls and fill their own schedule, they outsource to a B2B Appointment Setting specialist firm.

You may have heard the axiom that “content is king.” If you have, you most likely heard it in the context of building an audience for a web site or to get attendees for an event. Most business people would not think about the importance of content in the context of getting on the phone to generate appointments and sales leads.

 Content is important for outbound marketing activities and if you plan to invest in outbound marketing, you better have some good content.

Monday, 08 May 2017 14:42

Lead Nurturing & B2B Appointment Setting

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A recent project highlighted the importance of Lead Nurturing and getting more appointments.

To provide some background, PPS started incorporating Lead Nurturing via email into the projects we do last year We use an AppExchange Product called Lead Follow Up and as we accumulate email addresses from the calls we make, we then put the person into the Lead Nurturing campaign and the person gets an individualized email each week after that (we typically run on a 20 week cycle.)

New Data – That we already knew

I wrote a blog post a couple of months ago about Face to Face Appointments vs. Phone Appointments and made the case that you are better off going for a Phone Appointment first.

We knew this from the experience of doing over 1,500 projects in the past 13 years. Recently I came across some third party validation so you do not have to take our word for it.

B2b Lead Generation and Appointment Setting means winning at the top of the sales funnel.

Winning at the top of the sales funnel means coordinating people, systems and content to get your story into the minds of your prospect audience so they are persuaded to have a conversation with you (an appointment.)

In the majority of cases, about 90% of the time, when a b2b company hires Professional Prospecting Systems, they are looking for more b2b appointments or qualified leads.

Over the past 14 years we have developed a systematic approach to setting up and running a b2b appointment setting and lead generation program that incorporates 3 Elements :

Joe Prospect is a composite of how a typical prospect looks at the world and how they react to our marketing efforts.  Even though every prospect is unique in some ways—all of our prospects regardless of what business we are in, share many common characteristics. Dear Joe is an advice column written by your prospect to help you better understand them.

Joe Prospect is a composite of how a typical prospect looks at the world and how they react to our marketing efforts. Even though every prospect is unique in some ways—all of our prospects regardless of what business we are in, share many common characteristics. Dear Joe is an advice column written by your prospect to help you better understand them.

If you are not familiar with “Lead Nurturing” it is the business process of setting up a system to maintain contact with potential customers with information offers to educate prospects about your product or service. This is a very basic definition.

In a sense, Lead Nurturing is not new. If you were a sales rep in decades past, you may  have had a sales manager that insisted that you setup a “tickler file” and stay in contact with your sales prospects over time.

From the Desk of Joe Prospect

How do you get your prospects to trust you?

 This really is the million dollar question.  When it comes right down to it, selling is all about getting your prospects to trust you.

So what makes me trust you more than the next guy who is selling your product or service?

Monday, 20 February 2017 14:24

4 Reasons Your Sales are Stalled

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Your database of prospects represents the present and future value of your business.  If you are not consistently updating your prospect database you are losing sales.  Every wrong contact name, bad email address and company that you do not know is out of business, is costing you sales.   You are wasting time marketing to the wrong companies and the wrong people.  And if you are not consistently adding new prospects to your marketing database, your sales will automatically shrink.